The Tale of the Amulet

The Amulet

         Long before the aquarium was created, Lord Hyacinth left the human world and came to live on the Shores of Affinity. Here he camped in a squat hut made of spindrift and shells while he learned the secrets of transformation from the spirit wizard, oris. When it was time for Lord Hyacinth to leave the Shores of Affinity and take his new path, Oris fashioned him a small amphora containing just enough of a powerful potion to turn himself into a human again, for Lord Hyacinth could not let go of this one desire altogether. He concealed the potion bottle in an amulet of gold and coral and pearls and then he dove into sea, coming at last to the sea floor close to where we now sat.

         For a long time he studied the sea creatures and finally chose the Leafy Sea Dragon as the form he wanted to become. For this he did not need the potion in his amphora, only the power of the moon and sacred words and clear imagery. Once transformed he lived contentedly in the sea for a long time, making gradual changes to help his sea environment and the creatures who lived in it. Where he chose to abide became a realm of safety and caring and in his work he almost forgot his past existence as a human being. Then a dream came to him of his life as a human and he woke feeling sore in his heart and wanting to leave the watery depths. Before he would leave though he wanted some true hearted being to carry on the work he had begun in transforming this small part of the sea into a sanctuary.

         He dreamed of Sir Max creating the aquarium and years later, Sir Max came to the very Shores of Affinity and thinking the dream was his, he began his work. Not aware of the magic available to him, he at first used diving equipment and big rigs and underwater submersibles. By the time the main structures were built he was beginning to grasp that there was something indeed magical about the area. Amazing creatures such as Zeno and Hypheria began appearing to help him. Zeno brought more sea creatures who seeing the value of the project also stayed and worked to build the aquarium into a reality. None of them knew for a long time they were living out Lord Hyacinth dream.

         When the main work was nearly completed, Sir Max had changed so much in his thinking that he was able to accept Lord Hyacinth in his form of a Leafy Sea Dragon and understand his communications. Lord Hyacinth made his presence known to Sir Max and in their days of conversation there was an agreement forged between them. By his own desire, Sir Max would take over the care of the Aquarium and Lord Hyacinth, who held the many secrets of transformation, would turn him into a merman. This left Lord Hyacinth free to return to land, but as he prepared to leave the sea the amulet containing the potion was lost. Lord Hyacinth, broken hearted, put a spell on the sea floor where the amulet was lost to keep the sands from shifting it away. Then he spent every day searching for it. The longer the amulet was lost, the more unstable the magic was in the area and daily it was creeping out across the sea floor, threatening to endanger the whole aquarium.

         Hypheria smiled and raised the amulet high for everyone to see, "Now this will help us all! Lord Hyacinth will get his wish and the enchantment will be lifted."

A Visit With Sir Hyacinth

         Harkin suddenly jumped up and grabbed the amulet from Hypheria's hand, shaking his head and backing away from us. He jumped on Emily"s back as she slid into the weeds. For a moment there was a general uproar as we all began talking and moving at once. I knew Harkin believed the amulet was his to take back back to the glen to transform the rock into a princess. But I'd forgotten the part about fighting a dragon for the it. Oh no! He was actually going to try and fight Lord Hyacinth!

         Phee Sees Dragon I paddled to Hypheria giving her a very quick and embarrassing explanation of how we had fooled Harkin and how I now believed he was going to find Lord Hyacinth and fight him for the amulet. Hypheria hid a smile behind her hand and then, not able to contain it burst into laughter. Well, I was red-faced to say the least, especially when she told Sir Max and Zeno and they too laughed.

         "So, what is so funny?" I asked, feeling just a tad peevish.

         Sir Max patted my arm to calm me and said, "Phee, Lord Hyacinth is only 8 inches tall, not the giant dragon you thought you saw when you were enchanted."

         Hypheria leaned toward me with a warm smile, "I think that when Harkin sees him he will have a change of heart." She looked at Sir Max and asked, "What do we do now that we have no amulet to give to Lord Hyacinth?"

         Sir Max smiled, "We will go to him and tell him what has happened, and anyway we may have to protect him from our Knight on a Quest, Sir Harkin." That made me smile and we immediately set off through the weeds following Sir Max into the realm of Lord Hyacinth.

         Something about the amulet moving toward Lord Hyacinth, even if it was in the hand of a possible adversary, seemed to stabilize the enchantment and we did not shrink in size. Wart was also released from his rounds of mercurial changes and quickly moved toward me, still half formed and looking weary. When he was close enough, I grabbed for his paw, oh it was a paw, well almost a paw. I could see gray fur beginning to sprout on the scaly skin. I sighed and patted him lovingly. I supposed that was better than a Mantis shrimp.

Three Sea Dragon          As we swam into Lord Hyacinth's domain I began to see the shy little leafy sea dragons in the wavering grasses. Their bodies and appendages so much like sea weeds in shape and color they all but disappear. We were not allowed to touch of course, but it was very tempting. The tiny dragons circled around us, curious and friendly as small puppies. Their big eyes sparkled with laughter and I felt something akin to the faery life in them and a deep affinity.

         Hypheria found Lord Hyacinth resting in a cave like structure of seaweeds. He was larger than the other Leafy Sea Dragons and his leaf-like limbs looked somewhat tattered with age, but he had a majestic manner about him and greeted us all with courtesy and interest. The news of his amulet being found by Harkin so delighted him that his appendages shivered with joy and the same light I'd seen in the smaller sea dragons, sparkled in his eyes

         Sir Max explained to him that Harkin had taken the amulet as his own and might try to fight Lord Hyacinth from some sense of misplaced chivalry. Lord Hyacinth found this more amusing than problematic, and insisted on the whole story.

         It was embarrassing to say the least, but I confessed to Lord Hyacinth how we had tricked Harkin to get him to come along on this adventure. Someone gasped and we all turned in the direction of the sound to see Harkin floating near the edge of our group. Emily circled him, her teeth barred, eyes glaring. Harkin browsed over the group of us until his eyes paused on Lord Hyacinth. His face went through so many changes I thought we were under enchantment again!

Lord Hyacinth          Of course, he looked right at me, "That's the Sea Dragon?" he said quietly.

         I smiled weakly and nodded, "Yes, Harkin this is the Sea Dragon".

         "Well, but Phee, he is just a little fellow. It just wouldn't be a fair fight him at all!". I nodded again, moving toward him with my hand out, "Come along now and meet Lord Hyacinth."

         Harkin burbled a sigh and breast stroked to where Lord Hyacinth peeked out from the seaweed. Then to all of our surprise, he dropped to one knee and held out the amulet. "I have thought it over sir, and your plight is far worse than mine. Please take this amulet and may it give you the peace you deserve." Lord Hyacinth moved out toward him and Harkin placed the amulet chain over his head.

         Oh, we were all so proud of the lad!

         While we had a cup of tea with Sir Hyacinth, which was served in pod like cups with a sipping spout, I asked Hypheria if there might be a drop of the potion in that wee bottle left over to help Wart.

         Hypheria looked at me with her large aquatic eyes and said, "Why Phee, do you think he was once human? For that potion is only to turn creatures into humans." I shook my head, I didn't know what Wart really was, only that he was enchanted.

         The she said gently, "If you had a clear image of Wart's true self it might be possible to use another form of transformation, such as the one Lord Hyacinth used for Sir Max.".

Wart With Mertail          Not even Wart could remember who he was before he was a cat. Possibly, some day soon he and I would have to take a journey back to that alley and find out who he was and what he looked like. I gave his paw a squeeze and found it even more solidly cat. His cat like face had returned too and fur covered most of his upper body. To my startlement his bottom half was still a lovely furry mertail!

         We finally did make it to the star fish nurseries and then to see the sea horses and butterfly fish and stargazers. Throughout the afternoon Wart slowly changed all his body parts back to cat and finally curled up in my arms for a nap. All the long while he slept, the tiny fish managed to stay under my chin. Sir Max told me it was a mandarin fish but that he had not seen this particular one in the aquarium before. He thought possibly it was lost. Oh my! I do worry about lost creatures and told the wee thing not to worry, if Sir Max couldn't take it in I would find it a home. Not that it could understand a word I said to it, but then maybe it could, there was something puzzling about this fish.

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